Wiki Blues.

Wiki Blues.
À propos de cet album

A album of some of my favorite Blues songs on wikiloops.vol.1. slin créé par slin on 16 janv. 2021

Apprécié: 17
Ecoutes: 766 fois

Artistes impliqués

Oh Lord !


Chronique par titi le 17 janv. 2021

Mister Blue always sings the things of life with passion. Love, disenchantment, god and doubts ... The blues of life. And often on Tuesday ;)

The Blues are Forever!


Chronique par ALawrence1 le 16 janv. 2021

Excellent collection Nils. Thanks for including one of mine.



Chronique par Tu le 16 janv. 2021

What a fine collection Nils ❤ Its a great honour to be included ❤ thanks so much my friend for including me.❤

Great listening


Chronique par MorganLeFey le 13 févr. 2021

It is a huge compliment to have featured on this album, what a cool listen!

A man with taste


Chronique par Bothen le 18 janv. 2021

That's some great tracks you have here Nils, a real pleasure to listen to this album. Keep on bluesing my friend!!
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