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Cold Feelings by bhunt1

Cold Feelings

Cold Feelings
À propos de cet album

more jams to warm us up in the wintertime :) bhunt1 créé par bhunt1 on 31 janv. 2018

Apprécié: 8
Ecoutes: 1020 fois

Artistes impliqués

Happy to be included!


Chronique par Grathy le 27 déc. 2021

The life of any artist is not easy, but with compilations like this, and wikiloops in general, it makes being a musician a bit easier and more rewarding. Thanks for including me!!!!



Chronique par Don_T le 1 févr. 2018

Great line up of songs and artists, Brian. You are very versatile and sound great in any style. Thanks for letting me be a part of such a great album

A great combination of cold feelings


Chronique par abuitremorem le 1 févr. 2018

Thank you for being here



Chronique par Mikebanez le 31 janv. 2018

variety the spice of life, there nothing you can't play. happy to be a part of it.see ya on the next tune.

Great album Brian.


Chronique par davidaustin le 31 janv. 2018

Thanks for including me, cheers.
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