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The Blues Again? by Bothen

The Blues Again?

The Blues Again?
À propos de cet album

What can I say, I like the blues. Thanks to all of those here and on wikiloops that keeps the music alive for so many people!! Bothen créé par Bothen on 5 juin 2017

Apprécié: 17
Ecoutes: 3984 fois

Artistes impliqués
Major 3rd



Chronique par Major 3rd le 23 mai 2018

Another great album Ron!!! thanks for letting me join in...great songs ;O)

yeah the blues again...


Chronique par slin le 29 avr. 2017

thanks so much for let me be on this cool album Bothen.Really appreciate it...

A great collection!


Chronique par Pewi le 29 avr. 2017

A great collection! And I can be there! Thank you, it is an honor for me!

Great body of work Ron!!


Chronique par kmoon235 le 28 avr. 2017

So cool to be a very small part of this work. Some real heavy hitters on this album (yup, including Ron) :) keith

Super Blues Drumming


Chronique par mortheol le 28 avr. 2017

A wonderful collection of great blues tracks. I am very happy to be included with these great players:) Thanks Ron:D

The Blues again....and forever


Chronique par Stef le 28 avr. 2017

Accompanied by the same passion for the devil's music from which everything came from. Your Blues drumming is always the perfect complement. It's great to share together with so many good musicians and with you in particular the great love for Blues. Thank you Ron for this wonderful collection and for the times that we've played and we will play together.
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