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Happy new year, wikiloops!

Happy new year, wikiloops!

Dear friends of wikiloops,


Here's to the new year of 2019 -

May it be like a fresh canvas to paint on,
or an empty harddrive to fill with new audio recordings :)
May wikiloops continue to give us reasons to grab our instruments,
and may we surprise each other with listening closely and elevating each others music.
May our hardware operate smoothly and spare us from frustration, and may our mixes sound great no matter what we use to listen.
May our families and neighbours be safe, happy and tolerant of our noise for another year,
and may we stay healthy and free of worries!
May we stick to or culture of celebrating the different approaches in making music, and treat each other with respect no matter how different we may be, and no matter how world and web politics develop in 2019.
May wikiloops let us experience the things we have in common with other musicians around this world and feel united by our love for music!

On behalf of the wikiloops Team and the Kaiser family
I'd like to wish you all a great start into the new year.

As in pretty much every year in wikiloops history,
there were moments in 2018 were I was not sure wether the project would make it to today,
and look: it did.
Thanks to all of you who have helped make it happen, you know who you are!
I'll come around with the annual transparency report on 2018 some time soon,
for all of you who care to follow up on the wikiloops projects story.

All the best
Richard Kaiser

Traditionally, this post ends with the stats of today:
121.888 Tracks online
53.260 Members
2.572 active uploaders ever
249 Supporting Members
wikiloops is online for the
2.832th day running today
Could not have said it better :W +2
and from all of us wikibunch the happiest and successful 2019 to you and your family :) +2
Our sincere thanks to you for your dedication to keeping us nourished with life giving music. +2
You are the leader of the biggest band in the world. What a wonderful gift you give to the world. 💕💕💕 +2
2 janvier 2019 à 19:07
Dick <3 thank you, Tu -
With a smile: I really haven't felt any love for "big band" music so far, and, well, to be considered a leader... feels quite odd to me as well.
Often feels more like serving the cause and taking the blame for just about everything on wikiloops then like sitting on some throne in some ivory tower, you know ;)
Still, I do appreciate you saying that, and it means a lot to me. Let's keep giving the gifts we have to share in 2019.
Thanks a lot - keep up the good work!! :W:D +2
my best wishes and thanks :) +1
All the best to you Richard, and to your family - and also to the team! You guys & ladies are awesome, and I'm so happy that I found you. Proud to be a member :) +1
THANK you and your family for the music in 2018 and a happy and healty 2019 with of course a lot of music:) +1
Auch von mir alles gute fürs neue Jahr! Gruß an die Familie ;) +1
2 janvier 2019 à 19:08
Dick wird gemacht, und: Dankeschön! +1
Here's to a great Wiki year!!! Thanks to Dick and the fellow Loopers who make this happen.
P.S....let's ALL work to get that supporting members number up this year so this, the best party on earth, can continue!!!!!!!!
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