Sample 2 .Ja
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
espero que apreciem, novas ideias serao aceitas para somar o estudo, obrigado wikiloops!
23 septembre 2016 à 03:11

23 septembre 2016 à 03:12

12 mars 2017 à 04:19

12 mars 2017 à 04:20

HipHop sessions avec Guitare:
Love & War
Song for Bella #2
Song For Bella #1
What's Up DR ?...
Contrast and Variations
Cath's Cats (w. free space)
Cath Cats (comp. on 32 bars X 4) (template)
Les vices
Sample 2 .Ja
Cath Cats 4 chorus whith one of guitar (template)
Cath's cats (g. ch only) (template)
Cath's Cats (heads) (template)
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Wikiloops is the best way to start recording your music and becoming a better musician. I love this friendly, creative and musical place.