Necesito andar, salgo de aquí
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Ne ce si toan dar
Ne ce si toan dar
Sal go dea quí
Sal go dea quí í
I need to walk, I need to get out of here
Midi file:
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Pop sessions avec Clavier:
Tic Tic Tic
The Silence That Divides
The Summer
Alone in the Dark
When she wakes up
A Wednesday in Your Garden
Lost Winter
Walk with me
With extra cheese (for Shamika)
When I close my eyes
Tonight (feel the love inside)
Stay Safe
Mysterious thoughts
Walking On The Clouds - alt. take
It's Just About The Being
impro balada
Your Place Or mine
80s Smooth
It Got Me
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
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Wikiloops is an amazing platform to experiment with the styles of music that I never have had the opportunity to vocalize with. Thanks to all the excellent musicians/producers, the sound quality of the tracks are spectacular.