Just a little bit
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
...thanks for this great song, guys...:)
HipHop sessions avec Vocals and Basse:
favoris HipHop:
Lofi Soul
Love and War+
🌸Baddest Flower🌸
Cafe Noir+
Bad Times
another cloudy Tuesday
🌸Baddest Flower🌸 + beeeeetz
I Think You Kinda Like It
Come on Blue Jam...
Morning Tears, again
All in one Night Again
You Don't Stop Your Jazz Rock Hop
Baddest Flower
simple pilot + Drum
Do You Whant To Know
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If someone had told me that one day I played with musicians from all over the world I would have taken for a madman. Today this is real! Thanks Dick