On the Wings of the Sunset Again
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
A beautiful template with a very rich/lush sound from Flavio and Ezio. Added a bit of sax at the start and in the middle. Plenty of room but actually it is great on its own and doesn't need anything added to the original Flavio sound but I couldn't stop myself joining.
7 novembre 2023 à 07:40

7 novembre 2023 à 11:29

World sessions avec Batterie, Clavier, Sequencer and Saxophone:
favoris World:
Don't go when i'm awake
Turn the Tablas
Am I nature?
Two Worlds w bs
The Long Walk to You
Snow Moon
Atmospheric World
Mind Travel 🧳
…Iron Man…
Keepin’ It Smooooooooove
Alone again
Temple of Shiva༈
Low tides
la ciudad de la revolución - percu
The Tablature 🍫
Little nothings
Macadroni Noodles
Ride the Merry-Go-Round
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