saw you in webcam
hey jody tripp this is great guitar playing i got kick out of this song and it is so goooooooood song thank you yo
14 juin 2019 à 07:37
14 juin 2019 à 22:06

15 juin 2019 à 03:43

I am surprised at how you have added rhythm to the simple guitar. Very good and thank you Kucho!
Folk sessions avec Batterie, Guitare and Basse:
A Pop Song from Scratch *
Skipping Rocks
Poppy from Scratch
Lost in that world
Back forward from the lost world
…Skipping Rocks…
Something to adore
Skipping Rocks -
Dusty ol' Town Folk
One Day-bass
Poppy from scratch drums/bass
🎶 For better, for worse 🎶
Skipping Rocks
Slo Town Mo Town
Waitin' for something, playalong
If I Could Be
saw you in webcam
Draft Beer & Darts-bass add
under the sun
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
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I love this place!! its all about the music&supporting eachother nothing else!! :)