the opossum artist
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
re uploaded to the right place ....the saxophone guy deserves some credit...he's in this mix too..but this is the core arrangement i used.
10 juin 2019 à 05:12

10 juin 2019 à 15:32

What was the first one? I like your jam-picks. Sounds like an album already. Needa keep an eye on it. Every listen is a fancy drive through times
13 juin 2019 à 07:00

Hey I know that song from somewhere... :) Good version, and I would probably have mixed the voice a bit louder compared to the guitars... :)
13 juin 2019 à 20:58

meaningful lyrics and a cool vocal performance here MRVLADDRED, and I'm liking the track you chose too :)
Pop sessions avec Batterie, Guitare, Vocals and Mix:
favoris Pop:
The Mission
TEMPO 60 slow groove
Your Path
Two Cups
Good Enough 4 U
Holding On
From far away
Far From home
Perhaps It’s Okay?
Sun Gonna Shine Again
cuando tu no estes
Ill Be Back (rhodes)
After Ten
~ American Dreams ~
Hit me up Babe
The Bowl riders
The End of a Day
I Don't Claim to Know
I Don't Claim to Know either
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5 bucks for all I got from this site is nothing...I'm just an oldie (51) begineer guitar player and these backtrack are very very useful for my improvement.Thanks and Happy Christmas from Italy