Just Wanna be Funky
Well I was reluctant to upload my little funky tune here because there are so many great funk players here
and its surely not my strong suite. But what the heck. It was fun.
Last remaining track from my daw clean out adventure.
Thanks for listening.
Pop sessions avec Sequencer, Guitare and Basse:
A Secret from the Bass...
One more happy day
Every Little Thing...
Looking into the distance
Looking into the distance
The Path Of Life
Vanilla Chillin
Serenity in Numbers (An Embrace)
Empty Streets Extended Edition
Buckwheat Cakes and Aunt Jemima
Tribute to Hank and Duane
Cee Song
Summer Lounge Cocktail
Sara's 2 +
Mince Pies
Stillness w/bass
The Last Day On Earth
Just Wanna be Funky
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