Time after Time
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Thanks BigDaddyCee. The destruction starts at 2,13 :D
31 janvier 2019 à 12:41

Electronic sessions avec Sequencer, Guitare and Clavier:
Glance du Secret
Phthalo Blue Theory II
DanDiplo and Ivax - Morphine Dream
Where are We ?
Contaminated World
Electro Toons
Ecos Andinos
Sensory Deprivation Tank with keys
Second Time + Tube Tremolo
Balanced Sting
Seven Days
Between Space
While We're Together
Alchemy II
Never thought of that...
Lost In Reverse
Internal Frequencies
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Gracias a todos por ayudarme a ser mejor músico =) Thanks you all for helping me to be a better muscician