The Lonely Termite
Screwed up the levels on the first upload! :D
One take, no regrets! Would be cool with some whack-a-doodle adds! :)
Edit: Some regrets on the mixing! :D Will do some EQ, levels and dynamic changes to this one! :D
16 octobre 2017 à 01:18
Hey cool man, rock meets electronic, something different! doom rock!! :W great from you mate!
16 octobre 2017 à 13:38
Thanks Paul, yeah i like the mix between electronica and rock elements ;) This one needs another round in the mixer with fresh ears tonight :P And a mean lead guitar coming in at a few spots would be nice ;)
16 octobre 2017 à 03:00
16 octobre 2017 à 13:40
16 octobre 2017 à 17:57
16 octobre 2017 à 18:24
Electronic sessions avec Batterie, Sequencer, Basse and Guitare:
Fusioned Spookhuis
Midnight Bells
Inner Place
In the blink of an eye
What emotion is this???
guitar slayer
In D Ana Drums
Inside the Castle
The Lonely Termite
Carnival Ride
Boreas, you still need to go!
4373 added guitar
Kicked In The Head😱again🚑🦽
duno remix
converging some more
Bass line in space...
Liquified jam
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