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Otro Día con Tu , IIIº Vol. by ivax

Otro Día con Tu , IIIº Vol.

Otro Día con Tu , IIIº Vol.
À propos de cet album

To thank and dedicate this album to all the loopers, thanks to all the musicians involved in this work and a special mention to our dear amiga and singer Tu....2021 is proving to be a somewhat complicated year, but we will continue forward... ivax créé par ivax on 6 oct. 2021

Apprécié: 6
Ecoutes: 366 fois

Artistes impliqués

A Lovely Album!


Chronique par rootshell le 1 févr. 2022

Happy to be included my friend, such a nice collection that showcases your talent!

Hey Xavi


Chronique par khangurumc le 8 oct. 2021

Thanks to include me in your album with those fantastic musician.

Wow! What a lovely surprise!


Chronique par Tu le 6 oct. 2021

Its so wonderful mi amigo to see this collection! Im glad you added Lennys It never rains...he did a fantastic job on that.our last jam I think is one of our finest...Ive been listening to your guitar over and over again as its astonishing. Thankyou so much for your time putting this all together Xavi! 💖💖💖
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Itocpogo from United States

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